Blazing Spear Security is a new business made up of experienced security professional, who are ex-Forces veterans, and highly competent in all aspects of security. 

Our group combine leadership skills, discretion, courtesy, and robust security when needed, to safeguard our clients and provide a smooth security service throughout. We also supply specialist female bodyguards and security personnel for your added peace of mind.

For veteran-led security in Wiltshire and nationwide,

Contact Blazing Spear Security today on 


A Great Britain flag on an army uniform







With a combination of military experience and work for a variety of security details, we bring a wealth of security knowledge to every assignment we perform.


Our staff are highly disciplined and dependable, and have the military training necessary to stay alert and observant under the most trying of circumstances.


We supply specialist security staff with the highest credentials, and our female bodyguards can be counted on to deliver the highest levels of personal security.








Our military training and discipline, combined with our experience and dedication enables us to provide the very highest degree of security for venues, events, and locations across the UK and globally. We provide specialist security for residences, commercial buildings, and for clients themselves, providing close personal security where necessary.









All our security employees are fully SIA Licensed for Close Protection and Security Guarding. This process also vets professionals to ensure spotless records, quality training, and reliable character.

Based in Tidworth, we provide high quality security in Wiltshire and nationally, as well as highly qualified female bodyguards for all purposes.

Our Security Services

A body guard with his client





If you need discreet, professional security, contact Blazing Spear today.

Call  07900383082

or contact us here to initiate a conversation about your personal security.

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